Cassandra-0.7.0 and Hector.
*sigh*...midnight ...and I have tons of coding tomorrow at 6am!
Anyway hope this helps someone..
When connecting to Apache-cassandra-0.7.0-beta2 use Hector- and not the other connection crap using sockets,etc(in the test cases,sources and samples.) will hang when trying to getKeyspace.
sooo,its something like this...
CassandraClientPool pool = CassandraClientPoolFactory.INSTANCE.get(); CassandraClient client = pool.borrowClient(localhost, 9160); Cassandra.Iface cassandraClient = client.getCassandra();
Just to note this only work when using Hector to connection to Cassandra...
I am working on a project that requires 'real-time' indexing/searching so "Lucandra" was my obvious choice!
as of right now Lucandra-0.7 works ONLY with
Apache-cassandra-0.7.0-beta1 and NOT beta2... Also stop the 'connection' pool insanity and trust me, you want to modify the source to use Hector- just remember you have to set the keyspace after you create a Cassandra client.
Labels: Cassandra 0.7, hector, lucandra
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